CARSAMMA, Caribbean and South American Monitoring Agency, is a Regional Monitoring Agency (RMA) of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), based in Brazil and supported by the Department of Airspace Control (DECEA), responsible for monitoring the RVSM airspace of the CAR/SAM regions.

CARSAMMA ensures the operational security of the RVSM airspace of the CAR/SAM regions through the following processes:

  1. Periodic assessment of the risk of vertical collision between aircraft in RVSM space using the Collision Risk Model (CRM) in the 34 Flight Information Regions (FIR) of the CAR/SAM regions;
  2. Validation of Large Height Deviation (LHD) reports, producing failure trend reports and analyzing risk values for the 34 FIRs;
  3. Performs Altimeter System Error (ASE) calculation as part of the RVSM approval process for aircraft in CAR/SAM regions;
  4. Monitors the RVSM approval status of aircraft in CAR/SAM regions by maintaining and updating a database of RVSM approvals and conducting periodic audits to identify unapproved civil and state aircraft.